
After we bid adieu to January, and February paraded in with all its glory, and wind and warmth, I decided that I needed a new wreath to adorn my front door.  Thinking of something a little springy but still in the season of winter, I thought something with citrus would be perfect.

I’ve made several wreaths with dehydrated citrus, so I purchased oranges and lemons and used my oven to dehydrate them.  This process requires precision and patience as the slices need to be about ¼ inch thick and takes about 8-11 hours.  Even after that process, I let them continue to dry on the counter.  The result – beautiful dried fruit.

I was curious about what it tasted like, so I nibbled a slice:  leathery and sweet.  That’s because the dehydration process pulls out the water, concentrates and increases the sugar content by weight.  Rehydration takes a few hours, and although it doesn’t look quite the same, the orange still tastes like an orange, only a little sweeter.

Sometimes when times are tough or our busy schedules leave us drained, we can get dehydrated spiritually.  Reading God’s word or communicating with Him fades.  This can leave our souls concentrated with sadness, fear, and a longing for peace.

That longing only reconstitutes with diving back into a relationship with our Lord.  Paul tells in 2 Corinthians to hang in there!  Situations may be hard for us physically, but inwardly, God will renew us.  Tough and busy periods are fleeting: they are momentary and better things await us! So, we need to

fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.           2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Just as rehydrated oranges are sweeter, when we are rehydrated by fixing our eyes on Jesus, we are restored and are sweeter – with hope, joy,  increased faith, and a contentment that only comes from Christ Jesus.

Heavenly Father – You are the beginning and the end.  You knew me before I was born and when times are tough, you are there.  Help me to rely completely on you, to fix my eyes on you.  Restore me, sustain me with hope and joy, faith and contentment.   Let me rest in you. 

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