The Light of the World

Not to be one to succumb to peer pressure, but the neighborhood we live in has LOTS of Christmas lights. And the amount of lighting ranges from a casually lit sidewalk to lights all over the house and yard.  Yes, it’s lovely to drive by and gaze at the gleaming lights, but if you don’t have lights, you look a little grinchish.

Last year, we had a busy Christmas season, so I was content to put a wreath on the door and move on.  This year, I decided that we really should do some outdoor lights – as I didn’t want to be one of the only houses without lights.  Not to go overboard, just  simple and elegant lighting.

If you have ever looked into outdoor Christmas lighting, it’s a little overwhelming.  And that is an understatement.  C7, C9, faceted or smooth lights, LED or incandescent, on the house, on the roof, clips or stakes. And what color is best?  It’s exhausting.

I started thinking about this early November when Christmas lights appeared in stores.  Signs announcing entrepreneurs who will install your lights for you littered the corners.  But, I’m a do it yourselfer and I thought this would be something I could tackle.  I was thinking yard – ladders and getting on the roof didn’t appeal to me.  But after a trip to several stores, I became stagnant, frustrated, and dejected.

Stopping to study my plight, I realized that this season has nothing to do with decorations or lights; it is all about the light of the world.  Jesus.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said,  I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.                                                                                              John 8:12

So – in the hustle and bustle of this season, remember to focus on the true light and remember that when you are overwhelmed, take heart, He overcame the world.

More to Explore


Sometimes when times are tough or our busy schedules leave us drained, we can get dehydrated spiritually.  Reading God’s word or communicating with Him fades.  This can leave our souls concentrated with sadness, fear, and a longing for peace.

Happy Christmas

Reflections on life from a Christian perspective as we go through the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season.

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