The Cost of Obedience

I love thanksgiving.  It is my favorite holiday as we pause and reflect on the many blessings that God gives us.  And let us not forget about the food that goes along with this holiday, another little blessing!  It also is a time to consider how it all came about – the Pilgrims, their journey, their obedience.

When I taught high school English, each fall we would read an excerpt of  Of Plymouth Plantation, an account by William Bradford documenting the Pilgrims plight in England to America. To leave their home and travel to a new, undeveloped country for religious freedom took courage, perseverance, hardship, loss, grief.  The cost of obedience.  But let’s not forget the other side of obedience:  joy, contentment, peace, love, blessings. The reward of obedience.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.                                                                                                2 Corinthians 3:17a

Even in the treacherous, desperate voyage across the Atlantic, even in the cold, harsh deadly winter, even when things looked bleak – even still, there was freedom. Freedom to worship. Freedom to fellowship with other believers.  As the Pilgrims were transformed that year – from humble beginnings to a harvest of joy, we also

   … are being transformed into the same image from one degree of
        glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.                                                                                                                               v 18                                         

The small group that landed at Cape Cod knew that being obedient to God would glorify Him.  They knew that before they stepped on that boat.  And they took that step.

Are you willing to take that step?  The step of obedience.  Yes, there is a cost.  Yes, it might be a long journey filled with hardship, difficulty, loss.  But God will be with you, he will deliver you, he will uphold you.  And woven throughout that journey there will be rewards of  faith, hope, peace, joy: a transformation. And we give the glory to God for all of it.


Help me, O Lord, to be obedient no matter what the cost might be.  Let me be silent and listen to you and faithfully follow wherever you lead.   Give me courage when the road is difficult and continually transform me so that I may give you all the glory. I thank you that Jesus died on the cross to set me free. His death gave me righteousness.  Let me be mindful of that sacrifice every step of my journey and let my life reflect that every single day.  Amen.

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