Littering Love

In taking a walk this morning, it was easy to see that trick or treating last night was a complete success. Sugar coated ghosts, goblins, zombie cheerleaders, and other costumed kids littered the evidence of a fun filled evening by leaving a trail of wrappers lining the streets, curbs, and lawns.

In the Bible, too, we find such evidence – a littering of love, joy, and other fruits of the spirit by the followers of Jesus.  Let’s visit a few case studies:

  • The woman at the well – she left her water jar to go tell others about Jesus. She littered joy and convinced people to go and see this man who said he was the Messiah.
  • How about another Samaritan – he littered love and kindness when he saw a beaten man who needed help. He doctored the man, paid for a room, and returned later to check on him.
  • Joseph had a habit of littering patience everywhere he went. Potiphar’s house – patience; prison – long-suffering; waiting and hoping to see his family again – forbearance. But those pieces of patience and suffering scattered in Egypt, God used for good.
  • David was certainly littering peace when he picked up a few stones and readied himself to fight a giant. When David said, “I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty,” he had the calm assurance knowing that the battle was the Lord’s and he would be delivered.
  • How about Ananias. He was certainly leaving faith all over the place as he traveled to see a man named Saul who was known for persecuting Christians.  But God called him to go, and he faithfully went.  Of course, Saul became Paul and look how he littered!

I hope that the evidence of my life shows that I was a litter bug – littering proof that Jesus is my Messiah, leaving the Fruits of the Spirit in the streets and curbs of my life, scattering my faith everywhere I go.

Are you litter bug, too?

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