Not Lost in Translation

In Italy, we traveled by train numerous times, and a QR code was the ticket, requiring me to download an app.  Once home, I deleted the app.  Easy enough.  But, emails keep coming. In Italian.  No unsubscribe button, so, translate to the rescue!  My answer –Update settings in the app.  What did I do?  Delete the email and move on.

Since June:  receive email, delete, repeat. One day, I’ll address this.  In the meantime, I see Italian, reflect on my trip…. and delete.

Isn’t it a true blessing that we don’t have to worry about translating the Bible.  According to Wycliffe Global Alliance, there are 756 full Bible translations, plus 1,726 New Testament translations.  This has the potential to reach up to 98% of the population.  I then checked to see how many English versions – so many that I couldn’t get an accurate count.

But even when I’m studying in my own language, the Bible can be a little unclear to me.  Thankfully, we have an interpreter:

…we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given.                                           1 Corinthians 2:12.  (NLT)

The Holy Spirit helps us in so many ways – comforts, intercedes, guides.  Guides us as we go throughout this life and guides us as we read the Bible.  I find that when I am confused, I pray and ask for direction.  Sometimes the truth is made clear to me; sometimes I get that revelation later.  But if I ask, I do get an answer.

Occasionally when I am studying, I go back to the original translation and check on a particular word.  It is helpful to me to know what the word was in Hebrew or Greek and what it means.  To do this, I use a website called Blue Letter Bible.

Being a teacher of English, I just love words.  And this site helps me understand certain words better – because translating is not exact and knowing the meaning of the word in its original language can help understand it easier.

I also like using different translations and see how they put the verse together.   Websites like
Bible Gateway or Bible Hub are also helpful.

Another verse to treasure in our hearts  –

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.     Psalm 119:105

Scripture lights our path so we know where to go.  We will never be lost in translation, for the words in the Bible encourage and hope, so that we have direction and purpose.

Thank you, O Lord, that your word stands forever; that it is truth, it is hope, and it points us to you, and to Jesus.  Holy are you, Lord God Almighty. The maker and creator of all things.  Glory to you forever. 

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