Construction & Restoration

Majestically watching over her city, The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, is rich in beauty, art, culture.  The architect, Arnolfo di Cambio, began construction in 1296; however, he passed away in 1302 leaving a hole in the sanctuary where a dome was to be built.  A contest ensued to find someone that could build this feat of engineering. The winner:  Filippo Brunelleschi.

Brunelleschi’s plan was to construct two domes, one inside the other, both working together to support the structure.  He also used horizontal stones, chain hoops, and wood as reinforcements.  Brunelleschi was secretive about his plans and even today, we don’t fully understand the mystery of how his plans worked.

Throughout the centuries, The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore needed bits of construction and restoration projects to stand strong.  Such is the case now as the marble is being cleaned and brought back to its original colors.

In our life too, we need construction and restoration to stand strong. God has promised us that we will not remain unfinished and that He,

“who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

Philippians 1:6

How does this good work and restoration work in us?   Romans 12: 2 tells us that we cannot conform to the pattern of the world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind.  Just like Brunelleschi used several types of material to support the structure of the dome, we have several support systems also:  the Holy Spirit, Bible study, church, fellowship with other believers, reading books that teach us more about our faith.  And then, as we endure life’s ups and downs, we will be restored and made strong, firm, and steadfast (1 Peter 5:10.) We endure these things by keeping our eyes fixed on above and with the help of our support system.

Construction and restoration will be required as we do life on this third planet from the sun.  But if the Son, Jesus Christ, is our foundation and cornerstone, He is our architect and contractor.  He will ensure that our restoration here on earth continues and we will spend eternity with Him fully restored.

You, O Lord, are the Ancient of Days.  You were here before time began and you are the great I Am.  Thank you for beginning a good work in me and carrying it on to completion until the day that your Son returns.  Help me be strong, firm, and steadfast as I carry out that good work.  And always let others see Jesus in me. 

Works Cited

Michelle Konstantinovsky “How Brunelleschi Built the World’s Biggest Dome” 1 January 1970. <> 21 August 2024

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1 thought on “Construction & Restoration”

  1. Such a great message! I love how you tie in the history of the Duomo with the fact that God is still working on us. I also loved the beautiful pictures!

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