
Last week in a Bible Study, a question was posed to us, “Who is your favorite person in the nativity story?”  I had to think about that for a second.  Of course, it’s all about Jesus, but who would I choose as a runner up favorite out of the other people privy to the events of that night?

Shepherds.  Easy choice.  Quietly going about their work, nobody of any consequence.  Humble. People who endure the mundane and occasionally treacherous job protecting, feeding, and guiding sheep.  That night was just like every other one – until an angel appeared.  They were immediately afraid – who wouldn’t be.  But fears are calmed and the message is received

I bring you good news of great joy…A savior is born who is Christ the Lord                                                      Luke 2:11

And then a multitude of angels appeared – it must have been quite a sight and quite a sound!!

What did they do next? Easy choice. They headed over to Bethlehem to see this savior with their own eyes. Did they have a star to guide them?  There is no mention this in Luke’s passage. Did they need one?  I think their hearts guided them. They were on a mission to find this baby lying in a manger.

And find them they did.  I wonder how long it took them.  Can you imagine them going from stable to stable?  We do know that they went with haste: rapidly, swiftly – eager to see the best gift ever.

Then, finally, A baby.  A mother.  A carpenter.  The good news of great joy in the flesh.  Prophecy fulfilled.  They worshipped, gave their account to the new parents, and headed back to work.

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.

                                                                       Luke 2:20

These guys couldn’t contain their joy!  Returning to their flock, they were worshipping and praising as they were walking and talking about they witnessed.  The lowly shepherds talking about the Future Shepherd.

I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.                                                     John 10:11

As we take time these next few weeks to reflect on the birth of our savior, our Shepherd, let’s be like those lowly, humble shepherds of long ago who went to seek out their savior and shared it will all.

    Thank you, O Lord, for this special season where we can be reminded of the birth of the savior that changed our world.  Help us as we go through the busyness of this month to be like the shepherds – seeking Jesus and praising and glorifying You for all you have done.   


Merry Christmas!

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