Broken Sand Dollars

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

A couple of years ago, before Covid messed up vacation plans, we trekked to San Diego for a relaxing week on the beach.  Each morning, we woke at sunrise to walk the shoreline and were greeted with salty air, crashing waves, and glittery sand.  As a West Texas girl with no beach in sight for hundreds of miles, I enjoyed every step.  And when I looked down and saw shells and sand dollars, I snatched them up as a souvenir of my daily hikes.

Of course, there are a couple of rules to picking up sand dollars.  If they are purple, soft, and fuzzy, place them back in the ocean – they are alive.  But, if they are greyish white and hard, they are no longer living.  These were the ones that we picked up, and most of them were broken.  I didn’t mind them being broken because it reminded me of how I am – broken.

Although we never want to admit it, we all struggle with being brokenhearted and crushed in spirit.  We never want that side of us to show. But it’s there.  Maybe someone said something that hurt your heart.  Perhaps work is overwhelming and leaving you worn out.  One thing after another has left you unable to function.  Yea, we are all broken.

For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human bodySo you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.

                                                                                         Colossians 2:9-10

So, how are we made complete?  Unbroken?  Through our union with Christ.  Sounds easy, doesn’t it.  But you and I know that it is a daily task.  Daily Bible study.  Daily conversations with God.  And, in our brokenness, sometimes we want to know why.  Why did this happen? Why must I endure that?  Do we always get an answer? No.  Do we need to trust that God is near? Yes.

Did you see the end of this verse – Christ – who is the head over every ruler and authority.  This isn’t just leaders and officials – it’s us, too.  We live in a take charge, you make it happen, be the boss world.  So, we must submit to Christ fully – and then you will be fully complete.  How do we do this?  Every single day.

Where are those broken sand dollars I picked up on the beach?  They are in a jar on my dresser – reminding me that, even though I am broken, Christ has made me complete.

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