
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Hebrews 10:24-25

Horses and I don’t always get along.  I think they are beautiful and majestic; however, when I get in the saddle, I am nervous and they sense that. Consequently, I rarely ride.  I do have a few family members that own horses and ride daily.  Do they wear spurs?  Yes.  They buckle them on every morning. Do they get lots of use?   Not often says my cowboy brother-in-law, but when a horse needs a little extra persuasion, it is a helpful tool.

Spur.  To urge on. Press forward.  Quickly.  I think it is the right verb here.  We must urge on, press forward in love and good deeds frequently.  And encourage one another daily (perhaps more often that that!)

How do we do this?  It’s easy to love the loveable and kind, but a little harder for those folks who are rough around the edges and irritate us.   Should we just forget about those people?  Jesus said to love God and love your neighbor – all neighbors. (Matthew 22:36-40, Mark 12:30-31, Luke 10:27, John 13:34:35) That is our charge.  So – be loving, say a kind word, do something nice, be encouraging, write a note, send someone a text.  I certainly have thought about sending a cheerful note and or text and forgot to do it.  Perhaps it is us that needs the spur!

….not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing

A few weeks ago, I talked about roots.  Our roots will grow deep when we are growing, learning, and applying God’s word – and doing this together with other believers.  You would think that the massive California Redwood trees have an extensive root system that grows deep to anchor them against the storms.  However, they actually have a shallow root system and those roots grow out and intertwine with other Redwood tree roots so that when winds and storms come, their bond is solid and can withstand all that the world throws at them. Such is the case with the church. Believers grow together each time they meet and because of this, we can stand strong through the storms of life.  Just like a chord of three strands is not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12), believers are stronger together as we rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

A Little Homework?

Sure!  After all – this is what Jesus asked us to do.  Love God.  Love your neighbor. Go encourage someone today in love.  Spur them on with good deeds.  Let them know you are thinking about them.  And go let your roots intertwine with others in a Bible study or at church.  The storms of life will come; be prepared with other Christians by your side.

Heavenly Father,

   I thank you that You are my refuge and my fortress, the God that I trust.   Let me each day consider how to encourage others and love them, helping us have good deeds that reflect back to You.  Thank you also for my sisters and brothers in Christ who help me through difficult times and point me back to You.  Let us always be mindful that one day, a trumpet will sound and Your Son will come and take us home.  What a day that will be! Until then, let me be a faithful servant to you.



Tanner Boyd. Thank you for talking me through the daily necessities of spurs and how it is an essential piece for every cowboy.

Wilson Capron (Capron Bits & Spurs).  God has blessed you with a gift to take a piece of metal and create a work of art.  Thank you for allowing me to use a few photographs of your masterpieces.


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