The Hole Truth

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.                                          Mark 10:14-16


The basement of our church is reserved for children ministries. The tables are smaller, chairs are petite, colors are vibrant. All to make the space comfortable so that kids will listen (hopefully) and learn (confidently) about Bible stories and leave with knowledge that will help them as they journey through life – or in this case – elementary school. The first time I saw this Bible left on a table, I thought, “Who has taken a marker to their Bible and why did they write ‘hole’?” Then I realized that it was the sweet writing of a child – letting others know that he knew that this Bible was the Holy Bible. Phonics rules solidified? No. Understanding that this book is important and worthy of identifying it and identifying to it? Yes.

But where is the owner of this Bible now? No doubt they had this knowledge at one time and knew of the significance of this book. Has life hindered them? Life has a way of doing that, doesn’t it. Jesus said that we must receive the kingdom of God like a little child. Like a little child: willing to put our trust and our hearts in the hands of the Savior without reservation. Easy to say, sometimes hard to do.

What makes this easier? Reading the Bible. Talking to God. When we do these things, we will still be hindered by this world, but through Jesus, He will give you peace. (John 16:33)   So, what are you waiting for? Go get your Bible. Dust it off if it needs it. Open it up – read it. Oh – you don’t know where it is? I know where one is. It’s been marked up a little, but the words are still true.


Heavenly Father,
I thank you, Father, that your words are alive and true. Help me each day to find time to read and learn from Your Word. Teach me to hide these words in my heart so that I will not sin against You and so that these words from You will light my path. Thank you, O Lord, for your unfailing love and your tender mercies that are new each day.

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